Summit Group Consulting, LLC
Disaster Recovery and Project Management
Helping clients manage disaster reconstruction for a more resilient future while leading them out of the devastation and chaos caused by catastrophic events.
Helping you manage chaos....
Summit Group Consulting, LLC provides exemplary consulting services to
government jurisdictions and certain private non‐profit organizations as
they prepare for and recover from disasters. Summit Group is operated and
staffed by experienced recovery professionals who will help lead entities out of
devastation and chaos caused by major disaster events.
Our primary services are disaster project management and mitigation. Our
services also include research for and development of inquiry responses and
project appeals. Our staff has decades of experience in the area and has
developed hundreds of millions of dollars of Public Assistance projects across
the country, including Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas,
Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, and US Virgin Islands.
Summit Group’s primary goals are assisting their clients with disaster response and
recovery, ensuring their grant management processes maximize federal
reimbursement thus providing optimal use of federal and state grant
programs and funding.